Sunday, October 6, 2019

BIG HISTORY is revealed and you are in it

Its been awhile. Things were so unsettled and I had to attend to my own world. But now finally the Congress is marching quickly towards impeachment. Let me say this impeachment will not stop with Donald Trump. It will not stop with the President, but will also include Vice President Mike Pence, Attorney General Barr, Secretary of State, National Security Advisor and former CIA Chief Michael Pompeo, Chief of Staff and Director Office of Management and Budget "Mick" Mulvaney, Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin, and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. The other cabinet and ex officio figures like Rudy Giuliani who are either openly involved or not discovered yet will also face consequences.  What is being revealed in this rapid-fire whistleblowing is the exposure of wholesale corruption of the nation's assets for the sole benefit of those holding the reins of power.

If you react by saying, this is so outrageous, so unprecedented than you are correct until I propose this is BIG HISTORY in play whereby definition BIG HISTORY is all about unprecedented events. The corruption by the Trump Regime that we are now being exposed is merely on the surface. There is a much deeper and more foreboding series of corruption that is intertwined in a grander domestic and international conspiracy poised to overthrow the Western democracies and their foundation of the "rule of law". This is a global cabal that parallels the Hitler-Mussolini-Japan Military of the 1930s now comprised of Putin's Oligarchy, Saudi's monarchy, China's unitary totalitarian state with domestic Right Wing political in the US and Great Britain. But within a month or so we could see Trump, Morrison and a minor player in Israel, Netanyahu is removed. Unprecedented you say.

Back to the US. The Trump Regime must face wholesale impeachment, followed by an unbridled prosecution for their crimes IF, IF, the Western democracies and their foundational "rule of law" are to prevail in the 21st Century, they must crush this cabal and bring consequences to those who are participating. Western democracy prevailed defeating Nazism, Fascism, and Communism of the 20th Century where the Anglo-American coalition spread its system worldwide. This decade now America must repulse the forces that have embedded themselves into our nation.

Slowly and begrudgingly I am seeing Republicans emerge from their partisan nests of protection as the last eleven days of whistleblowing revelation emerge and Trump the self-spokesman for his regime digs a starker contrast to the "rule of law". More whistleblowers will come forward in a wave of new political attacks because they are professionals caught either being a witness to crimes against the state or were made unwitting culprits. This is what is known as BIG HISTORY where unprecedented and unimaginable circumstances and events emerge. American history as seen BIG HISTORY three times previously, 1776, the Civil War, and the Depression/WWII. Each of these BIG HISTORY events defined the succeeding two or three generations.

Generations that were captured affected practically everyone in the world affected and I suspect when this concludes years from now that most of you will have to participate as well. Some of my wife's heirlooms are quilts sewed and needled following the Civil War expressing the wounding and deaths of family members who warred on both sides some against each other in battle. That was 155 years ago! We also own a post-Revolutionary buffet that has hand paintings symbolizing the new republic symbolizing the hope and future. I possess a Life Magazine hardbound book of World War II which also has news clippings of my uncle's battles in the Aleutians. Now, I have a plaque from the State of Colorado signifying my position as a Presidential Elector in 2016, one which I was part of political skirmish attempting to block Trump. Will that become a family heirloom of my participation in BIG HISTORY?  Coincidentally, our plaintiff team quietly prevailed in the Federal Appeals Court gaining the judgment that Electors do possess the freedom to vote their conscious where it will be taken up in the Supreme Court next year. Another footnote for history.

Back to Trump and his domestic cronies. In its simple form, this global scandal is first and foremost worldwide seeking to influence and even dominate the elections of this nation. Trump and cronies are using the assets of the US, the assets of the American taxpayer, citizens, and our nation's companies, to promote their singular political aim, ultimately is to enrich themselves while dismantling the country, inside/out. They are using sophisticated psychological warfare in what seems to be a temporary successful attempt to hold their political coalition together. But as Republican officials begin to splinter how long will that last? Their new defense is that yes, Trump's efforts to influence the election from foreign states is atrocious but do not lead to impeachment, WHAT?

There are two questions: When it finally conclude? Soon I hope. Before Thanksgiving, possibly. When Nixon was finally staked as a President it took four days for the Congress to go from hearing the tape that he led the coverup to when he resigned. I am guessing that there is a similar piece of evidence out there that will pull the political plug on him and his regime. Enough that it will take Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Mnuchin, Mulvaney, and Ross with him into Federal and State Courts. It will also usher in the succession of the Speaker of the House. It will be a woman, unprecedented-yes. And she will have clean up a mess of gargantuan proportion. She will also have to lead in fighting the mobster-monarchy-unitary regimes that attempted to break us apart.

That is BIG HISTORY and we are living in it. Next up will be my perspective and research as how we got here.

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