Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Where is "this" going? Is America still INDEPENDENT?

This quote was slipped in at the end of an article that headlined that British spies originally spotted Trump campaign team's communications with the Kremlin which many in the press considered a bombshell article going back into 2015; The Guardian, April 13, 2017: British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
One source suggested the official investigation was making progress. “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion,” the source said. “This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.”
That final paragraph lifted precisely directly states that the Trump Team is facing law enforcement proceedings, sooner rather than later. Then in the following days late last week the following news began to surface: Mike Flynn’s Treason Tour: Global Russian Propaganda Coordinated With Trump
"According to several sources within the intelligence community, Michael Flynn was coordinating, with and for Russian agents, the drafting of messages that Vladimir Putin was using to attack democracy in not only the United States, but across Europe. Furthermore, Flynn was doing this with the full knowledge of the Trump campaign, including Donald Trump himself." 
Then another: Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking
"Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.
And finally this pertaining to the Congress: Intel source: FBI discovers Kremlin is blackmailing Jason Chaffetz over Donald Trump and Russia
"For months, onlookers have wondered why House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz has done his best to protect Donald Trump from his Russian collusion scandal. Has it been merely partisan hackery, or has Chaffetz had a more specific reason? According to an intel community source, the FBI has learned that Russia has “kompromat” blackmail material on Chaffetz and has been using it to keep him in line with regard to Trump’s Russia scandal."
There are other tweet reports regarding Rudy Guiliani being offered or seeking an immunity/testimony deal with the FBI and/or NY State Attorney General, other intel reports have it that multiple allied Intel agencies have recordings of Trumps quid pro quo offer, Trump children recordings of criminal activities, McConnell and Ryan implicated in Russian money laundering to funnel into Super PACs for the GOP Congressional races, and there is even more.

I am neither a soothsayer nor am I clairvoyant, and yet on November 26, 2016 where I said the following about Trump-Russia as we approached the Electoral College: Colorado Independent:  
During the meeting, the four agreed there has been enough influence on the 2016 election by Russians, either directly or indirectly, to bolster their potential role as faithless electors. The U.S. government in October officially blamed Russia for hacking emails from the Democratic National Committee, among other institutions and individuals, saying the hacks and subsequent leaks were “intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”
Bob Nemanich, the math teacher, says he believes Russian influence from cyber attacks and the hacking of email accounts had an impact on the election results.
“This is an attack on our representative form of government,” he said, adding that the question is: "Who benefited?
“We don’t have time to prosecute and investigate this,” Nemanich said. “We have to start making our own decisions [as electors].”
Based on the emerging news my interview back in the day is now being validated. Ironically I personally experienced attempts by Kremlin surrogates in the roles of Russian Television (RT) with purported producers/reporters out of New York City and Moscow, one a promoted lieutenant of Putin as she promotes her status on her own Facebook page. Here is the screenshot of the second private message effort.

Yet someone who is famously known as a soothsayer throughout the centuries of history, Nostradamus wrote coincidentally about what some are saying alludes to this moment we all are living through in real time: Century III Quantrain #81:
“The great speechmaker, shameless and bold, will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention. the bridge broken, the city faint from fear.”

You can interpret this cloudy ancient poem for yourself. Whether it possesses meaning or is simply gibberish, but Trump and his Trumpists are establishing a new benchmark for shameless deceit and bold assertions without a scintilla of evidence or substantiation. Can we agree on this?

However when taken in retrospect it is almost as if Nostradamus was fast forwarded in a Doctor Who time machine where he witnessed Trump's stump speeches of 2016. Again can we agree on this as well in that Trump is a bold and shameless speechmaker, be it on stage or in tweets.

Now as for the second reference; elected Governor of the Army coincidentally is specifically is what the President of the U.S. actually is----an elected Commander in Chief. In fact, no other democratically elected nation on this earth possesses the institution that their top elected official as both Head of State (i.e., the Queen of England, who is in a ministerial role), as well as the Head of the Government as chief executive, the President is also the Commander-in-Chief of all U.S. Armed Forces. One more time, I think we can agree this is more than a coincidental or ironic reference, especially for someone who lived in the 16th Century France, it just is a strange anomaly.

Michel de Notre Dame, AKA, Nostradamus, is considered by many as one of the more accurate seer's in history. His well known and enduring book ‘The Prophecies’, expresses over a thousand four-line poetic verses called “quatrains, verses that maddening appear to predict the future. Among his numerous prophecies, Nostradamus predicted the Moon Landing, Hitler’s rise to power, and the Death of Henry II, Princes Diana, Napoleon and both assassinations of JFK and his brother, RFK

With that brief substantiation whether Nostradamus holds any predictive value in the retrospect let me look more deeply into the mysterious references of: "The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.", which gives us a clue, possibly where all this is going. Is your head exploding yet, mine has since Trump was nominated. 

What could be this literary symbolism, "the bridge broken" mean or insinuate? Symbolism as some of you may know is defined as using a concrete object figuratively, as a representation of an idea. Symbols allow the writer to compress complicated ideas into word, so the 'bridge' alludes to a concept in this modern moment. It could mean a bridge to Great Britain and/or Europe regards to NATO, but that is concrete as well, and Nostradamus probably would have used a term that symbolizes compact or contract.

The term 'bridge' is as an imagery towards a connection to some past. If Nostradamus is referring to the "governor of the army" as in America, then the 'bridge broken' probably alludes to America's connection to its past, meaning its beginning as in its values and beliefs in the Declaration of Independence and USA's constitutional form of government. Is Nostradamus suggesting that America is no longer INDEPENDENT? Whoa, now that is a stop in your tracks moment. Is the USA independent. Well here is a screenshot of John Schindler, a blogger/\writer, former NSA manager and someone who has been warning about Russia since the beginning of 2016 election season.

But if the chatter over the Internet and in and among News outlets are correct, that Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians in hacking and using the most modern sophisticated psychological ops to steal this presidential election, it is a bona fide cyber, Russian aided coup d'etat. Then America is no longer INDEPENDENT and therefore, "the bridge is broken". So now where is this going?

So now we move to the last phrase in the Quantrain, "...the city faint from fear". If we are talking about the U.S. there are only two cities that Nostradamus would refer to as "the city", New York City and Washington DC. Well the Governor of the Army only resides in one of those two cities, Washington DC so what would entail a city be faint with fear? He also could be alluding to Ronald Reagan's imagery of America being the Shining City on the hill.

An outside threat like terrorism, or state threat like a nuclear wart or something more sublime like the discovery that treason by a political class aided or directed by the Russians using this cyber, Russian psy ops and their hacking capability that brought about this silent coup d'etat has been realized by the general public. The faint fear could be the initial response by the Democrats or even implicated Republicans or even some of America's citizens and businesses, it could be those who would be swept up in this enormous event as being passively or inadvertently complicit.

As we see above the informed general public and patriots are beginning to learn there are the active conspirators, a list that seems to be growing each day as it includes most if not all of the ruling persons in Trump's government. They are the willing and then there will be those who were duped knowingly or unwittingly, followed by those who accomplices. Be they merely political and greedy opportunists, or those who looked away aiding the domestic and foreign enemies of our Constitution where they were knowing or should have known. This will undoubtedly include corporate and business types, state politicians and private citizens who aided and abetted this foreign take over of our nation's INDEPENDENCE.

So where is this heading? Years of investigation, probably many forms of obstruction, then eventually impeachment after impeachment. There will be prosecution maybe even assassinations, civil strife, possibly forms of civil and foreign wars, but what is certain is this will cause great strife, breaking down of failing institutions and the demand to rebuild. We will again learn about those purported to be American heroes our elected or appointed leaders, who abused power, broke our trust and it could include much of the entire elite class of politicos and titans of industry brought to justice.

As we stand here today closing in on Trump's first 100 days (April 29th), it quite plain that parts of the U.S. Government, many in the press and corresponding roughly 60% in the general public are aware that the election of Donald Trump was corrupted and possibly manipulated by some form of partnership with secret foreign and domestic forces.  Substantiating this historic conspiracy as to who, what, where, when and how is for the investigative bodies in the U.S. Government to fully vent and detail but it should send a shivers down the backs of all those who idealistically believed America was different and INDEPENDENT. The line by John Oliver the British comedian:
"John Oliver kicked off Sunday's Last Week Tonight with updates on the scandal he calls "Stupid Watergate," because, he explained, it has all the potential consequences of Watergate, but everyone involved is really stupid.'"
 But the reality is this was not stupid other than those who participated thought they could get away with it, 

As Representative Quigley a member of the House Intelligence Committee who recently spent two days in Cypress investigating Russian banking of suspected money laundering stated this episode is far bigger and more sinister than Watergate ever was, and eventually we know where Watergate headed. Ultimately there are only two options, one America reasserts itself and its two century plus cause of democracy and self government, or America and its independence is fo the foregone past. That said Nostradamus has a few Quatrains that some have attributed to the current moment in history. Century III: # 50

La republique de la grande cité,                 The republic of the great city
A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:        Will not want to consent to the great severity:
Roy sortir hors par trompette cité,              King summoned by trumpet to go out

L'eschelle au mur la cité repentir.              The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.
There are some now interpreting this Quatrain as relating to Trump and the present moment in the US. What appears is that Nostradamus is referring to a republic that will not consent to some great hardship or challenge but it is unclear who is this King? Is it Putin?  Kim Jong-un ? Bashar al-Assad? King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia,  Or is the King a symbolic use of the name Prince as in Erik Prince who already acted as a private envoy of Trump to go out. This is not known, but what appears is this is connected to the city (Washington DC) with the mortal threat of conquest from a modern siege repents for possibly bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war. 

Finally there is another Quatrain that Nostradamus researchers are now attributing this time of Trump, Century X #76. 

Le grand Senat discernera la pompe,     The great Senate will ordain the triumph
A l'vn qu'apres sera vaincu chassé:        For one who afterwards will be vanquished driven out:
Ses adherans seront à son de trompe     At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Biens publiez, ennemis dechassez.         Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
Nostradamus if he tells us anything is that humans and our history is a continuum between era's and lives and lends at least the suspicion that para normal dimensions could exist. Are we living in this reality where historical events of great significance and consequence are taking place. But upon reflection it was the U.S. Senate that ordained Trump's improbable victory over objections that arose in the House of Representatives regarding Elector votes amounting to less than 269 votes. I was directly involved in this final chapter of the Electoral College personally lobbying Senators to object to no avail. What appears to be a trivia footnote of the 2016 election where the Democratic Coalition found a minimum of 50 Republican Presidential Electors possessing challenge-able credentials, either as duo-elected officials, and/or, not residing in the district they were representing. Yet in the same line Nostradamus refers to the winner as being driven out later. The next line he describes that his supporters remain to end only to lose their possessions, or what happens when one goes to jail, and finally enemies of the nation are expelled. It could mean that all of Trump's possessions are put up for sale while all Russian enemies are expelled.

This cyber war is a fight for our freedom, our liberty and our nation's independence as a nation. The fight will have be long but will have to be lawful, as peaceful as possible and will include ordinary citizens. What we are hoping is battalions of reluctant average Suzy's and Joe's to step forward and not only resist but reclaim their own self governing democracy. The consequence is abominable for it is the absence of liberty, freedom and our independence. The war the Russians are employing  is best described by the grandmaster Sun Tzu in the "Art of War - Chapter III: Offensive Strategy
"The best strategy in warfare is to capture an enemy country whole and intact without having to resort to arms. To conquer it by force is the second best way...Therefore, supreme excellence does not lie in winning one hundred victories in one hundred battles but in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Accordingly, the best way in directing military operations is to defeat the enemy through strategic superiority, the second best way is to defeat the enemy through diplomatic means; the next best method is resorting to arms to conquer the enemy army, and it is always the least desirable method to besiege a fortified city."
Understanding ancient text of social masters in human nature is no different than masters in any science or knowledge, Nature is nature, humans within a generation are no more unique than their predecessors except in technology that they develop to assist their lives. Sun Tzu is expertly saying that to capture an enemy it is better to do so without resorting to arms. This is the grand strategy the Russians led by Putin's Kremlin. Russian expertise among all the world's cultures is spying and espionage. So well practiced in the art of deception and subterfuge as described by John Schindler a former NSA senior official wrote here:The 9 Russian Words That Explain KremlinGate

Ultimately democracy is a system where each member possesses an equal share and therefore an equal measure of voice and opinion regarding decisions by their group or society This then leads to majority rules. Each voter consciously and emotionally takes a sense of personal responsibility in their decision as how to vote, despite the reality that it could be 1/130 millionth of a direct representation. Nine years ago we learned that my daughter's vote was stricken because of a systematic data entry manipulation where birthdates did not match identification, she felt betrayed and stolen. Yet when the votes are tabulated and a decision rendered the social compact in a democracy becomes the consent of the govern---UNLESS there becomes known that the vote was contaminated. Corrupted as it is not a majority, therefore a broken compact and no consent. Where this is going is that this cyber, Russian aided coup d'etat cannot and will not be tolerated in the slightest. It is why we are headed for a long period of investigation, impeachment and prosecution.

Because often democracy's have resulted into other forms of rule; monarchies, tyrannies, aristocracies and oligarchies, all rule of an elite who co-opted democracy, either by way of an outright coup d'etat or over a period of dismantling democracy into a shell of its previous self. Fundamental is that all non-democracies are in their hearts diametrically opposed to democracy states in that it leads to their nation seeking democracy where it takes root. Democracy must be treasured and cared for, but at the same time it can't be secured away in some vault, on the other hand exercised faithfully by all of society's members, revered like a wedding ring worn day and night, as important as life itself. But the moment those entrusted in leading a society, and correspondingly its ordinary citizens begin to take democracy for granted, either finding it troublesome because of some immediate partisan pursuit, where the use of scare tactics and now sophisticated modern psychological ops are employed to corrupt the hearts and minds of the voters, then no longer democracy exists. Democracy then becomes a charade, co-opted as its previous mechanisms seem apparent but something else ensues, often cronyism leading to a worse state----totalitarianism.
“America does not at the moment have a functioning democracy,”  President. Jimmy Carter 2013
So be informed and be ready to resist and fight for your democracy because no one else can do it for you.

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