Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Great 2016 Conspiracy, it is the week it will be begin to be revealed.what do my elders say?

I recently asked my elders'; "Is this emerging, "Great 2016 Conspiracy", that is surrounding Trump's Presidency, with its 'laundry' list of connections to Russia, is it now becoming analogous to the historical events from another era  namely, 'The Great Depression' and World War II?" (99 Coincidences of Trump-Russia Connections)

Still alive and lucid, my elders were born on or near the moment in history when everything changed twice, first came 1929's, Black Tuesday's Wall Street Crash. followed ten years later with World War II. They are living survivor's of that time, now in their late 80's or early to mid 90's, they grew up and lived through those events that stretched for over 16 years, challenging their ordinary lives each day. It was an unprecedented period of time with wholesale death and destruction, tearing at practically every social institution across Europe and America Through the succeeding years most remained silent about much of their personal ordeals, it is why they are labeled the 'Silent Generation'. But now they offer great wisdom if you ask. 

Today as I am reaching my own senior status, a member of the 'Boomer Generation', I inquired whether as a nation we are looking at a similar historical benchmark that compares to those events of the 1930's? They were both responsive and greatly concerned, their faces said much more than their words for they know the misery that comes with these historical upheavals. What I noticed is that their normal partisan perspective's seemed to be immediately shed, as they pointed to the simple comparison of the 1929 Crash to the recent 2008 Meltdown. The effects of each of those calamities brought about different real life affects as a matter of degree, but the reality, both brought on great hardships to the ordinary, hard working, moral citizens that make up most of America. They are the the ones that lost much of what they had worked hard cobbling together in a lifetime. Instead of a quarter of the population being destitute like in the 1930's, many Americans now simply hve become permanently wounded financially. This effect cannot be denied and had a deep effect on the psyche of the nation that was exploited in the last election. As one elder put it, it is not about assigning blame, only to know the reality that it had a deep political effect that now fascists took opportunity.

As one peers into the forgotten history of the 1930's there were many great conspiracies that were afoot underneath the political veneer's in both in Europe and the U.S. Here in the U.S. soon after the revolutionary political victory of Franklin Roosevelt, there emerged a potential coup, known as the Business Plot. Even though General Butler who testified in Congress, alleging that wealthy businessmen had approached him were plotting to create a fascist government, many back then dismissed that notion. It even included Charles Lindbergh. Historians are unsure whether the coup was actually close to being executed, but a consensus has been established through research indicating some kind of "wild scheme was contemplated and discussed" to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt; (The Corporate State and the Broker State). 

Another comparison that was made is that there was a real conspiracy between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, (Hitler and Stalin), as to the invasion of Poland. Officially known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, it assured Germany that the Soviet Union would not counterattack if the Nazi's invaded Poland. Details of the secret plan were:
"The nonaggression pact of August 23 contained a secret protocol that provided for the partition of Poland and the rest of eastern Europe into Soviet and German spheres of interest. In accordance with this plan, the Soviet army occupied and annexed eastern Poland in the autumn of 1939."
That event of September 1939 ushered in World War II, which involved more than 100 million people worldwide involving over thirty nations, an estimated 50 to 80 million persons perishing, most were non combatants, and it was simply described as the bloodiest and deadliest conflict in human history. Following that unprecedented human tragedy the world led by the United States, we established new social and societal institutions, founded on democracy and rule of law. It also established a hardened military alliance countering totalitarian nations in a long period that became known as the Cold War. Too many this history is as far away as TV Land's old reruns, but it worked, imperfect as humans are, the objective was always to prevent a third World War.

Now some 78 years later, there are growing accusations that a Great Global Conspiracy between Russia and Donald J. Trump elected the 45th President of the United States of America. Together with the Republican Party this partnership colluded to "steal" the 2016 election to benefit both Putin's Russia and Trump's cronies. Some are making a strong case that this conspiracy can be traced back into the 1990's, that we shall see. A Special Counsel has been appointed, led by former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, his legal forces within Justice and the FBI's counterintelligence section, plus the rest of the U.S. and its Five Eyes partners plus NATO and other intelligence forces are beginning its legal and constitutional assault on this Great 2016 Conspiracy, less than 150 days into Trump's Administration.

It will not be like a television version of Law and Order, where a complicated investigation and subsequent prosecution in less an hour, all for entertainment viewing. This might take another 12-24 months to unravel, possibly longer to conclude, longer than Watergate which took 22 months. And at least that will probably be the Trump-Russia segment, most likely include a series of impeachments or resignations, most likely leading to criminal proceedings entailing such allegations as RICO, espionage, money and data laundering, fraud, hacking, perjury, false report and obstruction. Accompanying this unparalleled, even bizarre American historical event, will be the trials concerning the private and foreign culprits and accessories to the Great 2016 Conspiracy within America's political parties, both major and minor, as well as those associated PAC's and private citizens. This will also include domestic infiltrators of Russian agents and then move on to foreign adversaries. If what I have been told by intelligence community actors, investigative reporters, lawyers, politicos, system and IT professionals and what not, this will emerge as the greatest political scandal of all time.

In its wake, we as a nation, plus the rest of world free governments, will have to build a better governing and social regulatory institutional apparatus to manage global Internet communications, intrusions, hacking, money laundering, data manipulation, privacy, individual sovereignty and information and secure the functions of democracy. What this Great 2016 Conspiracy is among all things, is a comprehensive global assault on the hearts and minds of citizens in Western democracies', their vulnerabilities to using sophisticated psychological warfare, psy ops measures, if you will, through a maize of Internet and communication tools, plus the added capability, of secret hacking and corrupting election and data machines. Unlike war planes attacking from the sky this invisible warfare went on veiled, unchecked, unregulated and all within the U.S., possibly for years, seemingly a partnership between a growing domestic fascist movement and the KGB-fascist Russians. Both who sought to radically reorder Western democracies into a new world order of corrupt oligarchies. This is not hyperbole but a clinical observation of facts that each day are being revealed.

When this was discussed, my elders, they did not immediately discount the seemingly fantastic or outlandish nature of a Great 2016 Conspiracy. They had experienced this once before, yes as children and high school students, part of  or just following America's "Greatest Generation", an era pegged Strauss and Howe, ( Fourth Turning), Those who followed World War II as young adults were labeled members of the "Silent Generation".  These elders nearing the final years of remarkable lives, witnessed and participated in a foundation of historical measures are now resigned that something is terribly wrong. That America will have to face its music with resolve and righteousness, and resurrect itself.

So this event, more than scandal:
The scandal that has no name is unspooling like a police procedural in congressional hearings and news stories...Politico
As a nation we about to embark with historic Congressional testimony continuing with Asst Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, then followed by the much anticipated testimony of the former FBI Director, James Comey Thursday. Leading up to this are comments from our Congressional leaders starting with Senator Al Franken, ironically one of the most understated politicians, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who beforehand this year cornered his former colleague Jeff Sessions, the current Attorney General, of lying to the nation during Session's confirmation hearing, Sen. Franken said last week,
"everything points to collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and the Russians...My feeling is that there was some cooperation between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I think everything points to that,"
Trump's Administration are acting very suspicious he said to CNN,
"My gut tells me they do, because they aren't acting like people that don't have anything to hide. We will see.". 
Senator Lindsay Graham, a Republican, was quoted in the NY Post
 "it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.
'The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,' Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.
He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations."
Congressman Elijah Cummings has stated on CNN said that, "at its core, the investigation is about "the soul of our democracy."

Congressman Adam Schiff has stated:
"There is more than circumstantial evidence now." Continuing; "But I will say there is evidence that is not circumstantial," Schiff said, "and it is very much worthy of investigation."
Schiff's comments echo a CNN report published Wednesday evening that cited unnamed US officials who told the network the FBI had information indicating people associated with Trump may have coordinated with suspected Russian operatives on the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
This does not include recent reports in the main stream media outlets about investigations regarding Trump's son-in-law,  Eric Kushner, along with the likes of almost the entire Trump Team; Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Stone, Giuliani, Epshteyn, Sessions, Nunes, even Speaker Ryan and Senator McConnell. There seems to be a feeding frenzy of journalistic sharks where Breaking News practically comes across the transom every evening. The details that already have seen the light of day by citizen journalists like Louise Mensch in her Patribotics Blog, where among many others states; That Donald Trump is already under a sealed indictment which is in front of the House Judiciary Committee under investigation for Impeachment.

John Schindler in his column in the on line magazine, The Observer (recently owned by Kushner), reports that Admiral Rogers of the NSA told his entire NSA employee base that:
“There is no question that we have evidence of election involvement and questionable contacts with the Russians.” 
Where he further reports that:
" that the Justice Department has appointed Robert Mueller special counsel charged with running the Russia investigation, NSA is apparently pulling out all the stops to track down any additional evidence which might be relevant to the expanded inquiry into KremlinGate."
 Many people I talk to willing to engage about this Great 2016 Conspiracy, initially would reject the notion this is a grand conspiracy, now seeing it unfold in front of their eyes, voice wonderment how could this be happening? My elders offer a guide post of this reaction. One said, most if not all except for the few, don't want to pay attention when this kind of life disruption fostered by fantastic evil designs, suddenly emerges, affecting their own, self-important ordinary lives. The younger generations will have to learn that evil effects all of us. One recalled the initial disbelief of Germany attacking France, after they didn't care about Poland, where then the German's almost annihilated the British Army in 1940. They recall the cries that we cannot enter that war, it is for Europe to work out. Then a year later the Japanese attacked many still were remained in disbelief, while others acted. Like my uncle who enlisted in December 1941. He went to fight the Japanese in the Aleutians, fighting to keep volcanic outcroppings near the Bering Strait. Shock and dismay are common when extraordinary events take place challenging one's failure to imagine the designs of evil fostered by unfettered greed.

Unfortunately as this Great 2016 Conspiracy goes forward, we as a nation must allow the full measure of knowing what happened and who is responsible so we can save the soul of our democracy. In 1974 we failed when Nixon was pardoned before his torturous trials that should have been. My sage family friend, Justice Prentice Marshall expressed that a pre-pardon would lead to a slippery slope where the nation would revisit another scandal far worse than Watergate, there can be no man above the law in a democracy. So pay attention this week. Understand that for America to be America once again, we must go through this difficult, wrenching period rooting out traitors and our domestic fascists as criminals they are. And only then can we go about rebuilding our democracy institutions while addressing the Russian-Putin international problem.

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